Here's a picture of me at 31 weeks, 1 day. I'm getting bigger!
We had another childbirth class this week and we got to see a video about the different kinds of pain medication you can have during labor. During our break, Brad and I walked out into the hallway and looked at each other and said "That's scary!" I think we're in for a big surprise....but the classes are helping. At least I won't have the fear of the unknown, I'll just have the fear of the pain I'm about to go through!
We're headed to Breckenridge in the mountains for the's our 2 year anniversary! Our last anniversary together before kids, so we're just going to take it easy for a couple of days. When we get back, we'll be getting the house ready for my Colorado baby shower next weekend. We've still got some unfinished painting to do. My mom and dad are coming out Wednesday night and staying until Sunday - they're getting more than they bargained for on this visit though....we've got a list of things that we need help with around the house! At least my dad won't be bored....haha
Next week I'll have pictures of my baby shower and hopefully (we're keeping our fingers crossed!) of the painted nursery!
Happy Labor Day!