That's right, he's sucking his thumb now! He doesn't do it very often, I've just caught him a few times when he's been really tired. Last night, he woke up around 1am to eat and after I fed him and put him to sleep and got back downstairs, I heard him on the monitor....not sleeping! But he wasn't crying either, so I just let him "play" to see what would happen. Fifteen minutes later, I didn't hear a peep out of I'm guessing he's learned how to self-soothe when no one is there to put his binky back in! Woo hoo!!
This was today when we were at Target during his usual long nap time in the middle of the day. I'm sure I looked ridiculous taking pictures of him in the middle of the aisle, but I couldn't help it!
Nolan is also sleeping in his crib in the nursery now. I wasn't sure how long to keep him in our room, so I just decided that January 1st was a good time to make the move. I'd tried to put him up there for naps before that, but he won't nap up there or in his pack-n-play (which is what he was sleeping in when he was in our room). So I wasn't sure how it would go, but he's been doing great! The night before last he slept for 7 1/2 hours! I woke up in the middle of the night, like I'm sure every new parent does, wondering if he was still up there or not! I resisted the urge to go check on him though, because I'm sure if I start that now, I'll never stop. I read somewhere that the baby and the parents will sleep better when they're in separate rooms....that first night I wasn't so sure! But what did we buy all that furniture for and paint the room for if we're not going to use it, right? Now if I could only get him to take naps up there....but right now, as long as he's sleeping I don't really care if he's in his bouncy seat, on the couch, or where ever!
The extra sleep time may be due to the fact that we started Nolan on formula last week. We did bottles with half breast milk and half formula for about a week to kind of ease him into it. He was super fussy, but I knew I should expect that. So when we switched him to formula only and he was still fussy, I knew it was the formula. We switched from Enfamil to Good Start and things are going much better now! The nighttime feedings are going much faster for me since I don't have to pump anymore. Starting next week when I'm back to work, Brad and I are going to switch off getting up with him at night. Brad said that I'll have to keep track of whose turn it is to get up....I told him not to worry, I will definitely have that under control! I'm lucky that he'll be getting up at night to help - I've heard more than a few times from my mom that was not the case with my dad!
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