Wednesday, April 23, 2008


April is full of birthdays in both of our families!! So far we've had Brad's grandpa, my niece Molly, Brad's sister Melissa, my dad, Brad's friend Jim, and Brad's niece Cambell. Whew!

After we dropped my parents off at the airport, we headed to Aurora to Brad's niece Cambell's birthday party. She turned 4 on April 21 and celebrated with a gymnastics party. It was really cute! It was easy shopping for her and Molly since they are both really into pricesses right now! Molly turned 3 on April 16, and even though we weren't able to celebrate with my family, we got to watch a video that my parents brought with them. She was just loving being the center of attention! Both girls loved the princess towels we got them - they both wrapped up in them immediately! haha

Here are a couple pictures from Cambell's party:

The Engle boys: Max, Brad, Morey, & Nolan

The birthday group (Mylee is on the far left, and Cambell is two to the right from her)

Evan (7 months) and Nolan hanging out

Nolan wasn't much for playing......

......but his Daddy was!!! He thought I was taking a picture....hehe

But then he caught on to my game :)

1 comment:

Andy, Amanda, William & Dylan said...

Hi Abby! Your blog is looking great and Nolan is so cute. He's growing so fast. Wish Susan well for me too.