Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Creative Beginnings

Nolan started daycare this week since I had to come back to work :( Maybe someday one of us will be able to be a stay-at-home parent!
The daycare facility is called Creative Beginnings and it's in downtown Denver. It's only about a 5-10 minute drive from where Brad and I work, so it will be handy in case of an emergency. I never in a million years thought I would be one of those moms that cried when they dropped their kid off at daycare for the first time....but I did!! I didn't make a scene or anything, but it definitely happened on the way to the car. Of course Nolan was happy as could be when we left and when we picked him up. At least he wasn't crying or screaming when we left - that would have been even harder on me! Everyone told us to call as many times as we needed to that day, but I only called once....and obviously he was fine! The best part was that he slept for 8 1/2 hours that night, the little guy was so exhausted from his big day. Not so much last night though! I know it'll take a little while, but I can't wait to get into a routine!

Being back at work has been good for me too. My flex schedule is working well so far (I know, it's only been 2 days!), and I'm very lucky to have such understanding co-workers! We're a little busy this week which was helpful on Monday to keep my mind off worrying about Nolan so much. I have to actually get dressed every day now, which is a nice change. I made sure to shower every day when I was home with Nolan, but I won't even try to deny the fact that I put on pajamas again right away. Why get dressed if I'm not going anywhere, right?

I got a really cute video of Nolan snoring the other day. He usually falls asleep in his car seat, but once we get home he wakes up. He must have been super tired, we had just taken him to get his 3 month pictures taken at JCPenney. (You may have to turn your volume way up to hear it.)

In other news, we bought a recliner last week. Brad picked it up Saturday afternoon, just in time for playoff football! He pretty much didn't move from that spot all day long. He decided we had to get one after sitting up two nights in a row with Nolan and his congestion while we were in Indiana. My parents have two recliners and they were so comfy, especially for that. Here's Brad in his new favorite spot (trust me - he was a LOT happier than he looks in this picture)!

So far so good on my new year's resolution of writing in my blog at least once a week! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Cheryl Troxel said...

Love the snoring! Ahh, to sleep like that...