Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nolan's first flight - Dec 16

Nolan and I were able to spend two whole weeks in Indiana for Christmas this year since I was on maternity leave. It was wonderful!! Despite the fact that I was completely stressed out about flying with him by myself on the way there (Brad flew out a week after us), everything went smoothly. God was definitely on my side - there were only 15 people on my flight and the airline gave Brad a temporary boarding pass to sit with us at the gate! I can't even tell you how many different scenarios I had run through my head in the weeks before the flight....what if we get delayed, what if Nolan cries the whole time, how I am going to hold it and not use the bathroom for 2 hours, etc. But we had a whole row to ourselves and Nolan didn't make a sound the entire time. He must have some sense of what a stress-ball I am about things, because every time I've expected and/or prepared for the worst, he's been an absolute angel!

1 comment:

Cheryl Troxel said...

I love all the recent updates and pictures! It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Nolan is such a cutie and I love his funny shirts. It's good to hear everyone is doing well:)