Thursday, January 10, 2008

Visit to Daycare - Jan 8

Nolan and I visited his daycare that he'll be starting at next week, Creative Beginnings. That's right, I have to go back to work on Monday! I never thought I would say this, but I could almost see myself staying at home. Ah, wishful thinking!

I met Nolan's main teacher (my mom thinks it's silly that they're called teachers, but it's easier than saying 'caregiver' or 'daycare lady' all the time!) and she's really nice. Erica has six kids of her own, so she's definitely got experience! I had a lot of questions to ask and some paperwork to fill out, and then we stayed and played with a few of the other babies. Nolan seemed a little overwhelmed because when we got there, 3 or 4 babies were all hungry at once and they were letting everyone hear it! I'm excited for Nolan to interact with other kids his age on a regular basis - I really think it will be good for his social development. Let's just hope he doesn't pick up any bad habits from the other kids!

I'll try for a picture next week, but I can't promise anything....I'm sure Nolan and I will both be a little overwhelmed/emotional (okay, I'll probably be emotional!) for the first couple of weeks, trying to get used to our new schedule! But since Brad & I carpool to work, we'll be able to drop him off and pick him up every day together. I'm guessing the morning routine will take a little while to get established, but it will be nice having Brad to help.

So on our last day at home together tomorrow, I'm taking Nolan to get his 3 month pictures taken. Then I'll probably spend all afternoon holding him :)

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