Friday, March 28, 2008

He's ready!!!

Nolan has started pulling his knees up underneath him when he's playing on his tummy. Sometimes it looks like he's trying to do a push-up too! Can crawling be far behind???? Guess we better get the house baby-proofed soon!


Anonymous said...

He's going to be moving before you know it. He is already trying so hard. We had one that went right to a crawl and then walked at 9 months, and we had one that army crawled everywhere and didn't walk until 2 years old. My point - I am no expert as you can see but he looks determined enough to be doing it soon. He is so cute!

Laura Bridges said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow and change? Nolan is just adorable! His hair looks red in some of the pics, I hope it stays that way :-).