Saturday, July 19, 2008

Exciting week!

Monday - I had a migraine and had to stay home from work. Awful! Brad took Nolan to daycare and forgot his bottles. They had extras to use in case that happens, but I thought it was funny! :)

Tuesday - I felt Nolan's first tooth!!! Woo hoo!! I couldn't see it until the next day, but it's definitely there. It's the bottom left. You can bet I'll be trying to get a picture of that sucker soon!

Wednesday - Nolan had his 9-month check-up with Dr. Zavadil. He was super active and talkative while we were there and even got into her lap for a few seconds. She said most babies she sees at his age won't do that.....our little social butterfly! He got a great report, everything looks good developmentally, he's ahead with some of his milestones and right on track with the others. Nolan weighs 19 lb. 6 oz. (30th percentile) and is 26 1/4 inches long (5th percentile). Dr. Mary's only concern was his height - he'd only grown 1/4 inch in 3 months. We're going to check it again at his 1-year check-up and if it isn't back up (at his 6-month it was in the 40th percentile) we'll have to do some 'investigating'.

Maybe she says this about all her patients, but she said Nolan made her day because he's always so happy and healthy! Made us proud :) He must have worn himself out because he zonked out in the car on the way back to daycare.

Thursday - Brad had to do some work on the rental house after work so we drove separate that morning. Good thing! Daycare called around 2pm and said our little guy had thrown up twice. Yuck. So I left work early and grabbed some Pedialyte on the way home. We played for awhile and he went to bed a little early, but not throwing up once we got home....yay! They said he'd be playing and everything would be fine, then all of a sudden, throw up everywhere! At least he wasn't really fussy....what a good boy :)

Friday - I stayed home with Nolan a couple extra hours to see how he was feeling before taking him to daycare around 9am. I was almost to work when I realized that I'd forgotten my computer at home....ugh! I drove all the way back home (about 30 minutes one way), got railroaded on the way, and headed back downtown. By the time I got to my desk I had a message from daycare saying Nolan had gotten sick again! So Brad left work early and hung out with Nolan the rest of the day. It must have been just a 24-hour bug or something because he's been fine ever since. Or else it was just a huge coincidence that he didn't throw up in front of either of us!

Nolan was supposed to spend the night with Grandma Cindy last night, so she stopped by to see how he was doing/feeling after work. He'd been fine since he was home with Brad and had even been eating like normal and keeping everything down. So Brad and I had a date night while he went to Grandma's! I still woke up at 7:30 this morning, but I guess that's better than 5am, right? And for the record, Brad's still asleep and it's 9:30! We'll go pick him up shortly but first I'm going to try and get the house!

And, also for the record, I'm finally caught up on my blog! Woo hoo!! Sorry, no pictures this time. I'm sure I'll get some good ones this week of Mr. Nolan....stay tuned!

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