Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nolan!

We can't believe that Nolan is already one year old! It has flown by and he's all grown up now....sort of. :) His big day happened to fall on a Saturday this year, so we had a big baseball blowout - big surprise! Here are some pictures:

The personalized M & M's that I just had to have. Purple and white for the Rockies (not the Clay City Eels)!

Happy 1st birthday, Nolan!

The dogs, Cracker Jacks, pretzels & food!

The cake....I didn't end up getting a good picture of the baseball cupcakes, but the laces are made out of licorice. They turned out great! The cake on the right is in the shape of a '1'. That was the extent of my creativity!


Nolan couldn't take a second to look at the camera!

Nolan's big baseball cake - all to himself!

Before the mess....

....and after!

Brinkley's no dumby!

Are all parents like with the camera, one with the camcorder? Or are we the only crazy ones?

We went straight up to the bath after this!

The 'after party'.....(funny, that used to have a whole different meaning!)

All tuckered out from a long day :)

The party turned out great and Nolan got a lot of wonderful gifts. He was especially fond of the wiffle ball set and 4-wheeler! He got lots of Vtech toys, books, and even a tee ball set (for next summer). Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate our wonderful little man! :)
I always knew that I would have kids someday, but I could never have imagined how much fun it would be once I did! Nolan is the best little boy ever and I'm thankful every day that God has blessed us with him, that He has blessed me with the most wonderful husband to share all of these experiences with, and that He has faith in us to raise Nolan to be a good, caring, and loving person.
I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed before the party just thinking of all the birthdays we'll share with him, and that one day soon he really will be all grown up. But for now, he's still our baby.....we love you, Nolan!

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