Monday, November 10, 2008

1 year check-up

Last Tuesday Nolan had his 1 year check-up and shots. He's starting to even out a little bit! He weighs 20 pounds 13 ounces (15%) and is 28 1/4 inches long (8%). We know he's not going to be tall by any means, but he did grow 2 whole inches since his 9 month appointment!

His shots were a little rougher this time than they had been in the past. Not the best timing since it was also election day and we had to vote on our way home, but he ended up being pretty good while we waited in line. We waited, voted, and were out the door in 30 minutes at our polling place - I couldn't believe it!

Nolan woke up Friday morning with a pretty high fever from his shots, so I got to stay home and cuddle with him all day! There were some fussy periods throughout the day, but he was pretty good considering he felt so awful. Saturday he was feeling much better and Sunday he was pretty much back to normal again!

Here are some recent pictures and videos from the past week or so....enjoy!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

He looks so grown-up in that first picture!