Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day / Nolan's Big Boy Bed

Happy Father's Day! Brad told me that he wanted to celebrate by "milling around the house" and changing the oil in the cars. So I let him do exactly that. We spent the day just hanging out as a family and it was so nice. I haven't gotten pictures of his Father's Day gifts yet, so I'll wait to explain those later once we have a pic.

While Brad did his manly stuff in the garage, Nolan and I played in the front yard. We've been working on being gentle with the flowers, but Nolan just loves to pull the petals off....and then he just grins! It's cute. But he does say "pitty" and some other nonsense for flower but I wouldn't begin to even know how to type it! It always comes out the same though, so that's something :)

Nolan LOVES playing in the truck with Daddy. He threw a fit when it was time to go in....imagine that!

Today was the first day that Nolan slept in his big boy bed. We had thought about putting him in it just for naptime for awhile to see how that went, but that first time went so well, we put him in there that night too. It's been great! He's had no problems at all. We put a baby gate in his doorway since his room is upstairs, just in case he decided to wander out. We read books for a little bit, and then I leave and he just goes to sleep on his own. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he reads, sometimes he goes right to sleep. The first night he stood at the gate shaking it, like he was in prison or something. :) We are so lucky to have such a good sleeper. Sometimes it's hard to let him cry, but it never lasts for more than a few minutes. And he always ends up back on his bed, so he knows what he's supposed to be doing when he's in there. Yay!
Here's a little sneak peek at his new room/furniture with our little man snoozing away:

Happy Father's Day to the best dad and husband ever! Brad does such a great job that he deserves to be celebrated every day, but especially today. I am so blessed and fortunate to have him here to share all of my experiences with, and I don't think he gets told often enough what a wonderful father he is. I am constantly in awe at the way he connects with Nolan and can't wait to see him holding and playing with both of our sons. :) Our family wouldn't be the same without you - WE LOVE YOU!

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