Friday, June 15, 2007


It's official - we're having a boy! There is no doubt about it from the you can see, he was not shy! (The pictures are kind of hard to see, but I couldn't make them any bigger...sorry!) Brad and I were nervous all day long since our appointment wasn't until early afternoon yesterday. The sonogram technician asked us if we wanted to know the sex, and we both said yes, but we wanted to know if the baby was healthy first and if everything was okay. Ten fingers, ten toes, and all the right parts....a healthy and growing baby! But about halfway through the sonogram, we were both a little antsy to get to the good part (follow the arrow on the bottom's kind of looking at him from the bottom like he's sitting can see his legs out to the left and the top)!

It was a very overwhelming feeling, actually seeing the baby move around and kind of seeing what he looks least for me, it made it more real now than it was before. He was very active though, and I'll be taking all the credit for that - I drank a Diet Mt. Dew right before we went so he would be good and awake so we could see the goods!! We got a lot of good pictures since he was moving around a lot, and Little Mr. Engle seems to be very photogenic! The sonogram technician let us look at a picture to see if we could figure it out before she told us. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to guess wrong, but Brad knew right away. We were both super excited and of course I cried! My doctor said that we can buy blue and wash it, she's that sure it's a Brad will be busy painting the nursery soon!

We do have a couple of names picked out, but we're keeping them a secret until he's born. Something needs to be a surprise! My sister keeps asking, saying that she won't tell anyone...yeah, right!!

And now for the belly pic.....this is me at 20 weeks a few days ago. I've only gained 6 lbs. so far, and my doctor tells me I'm doing good. I'm drinking a lot of water like I should be, the only bad thing about that is that I'm running to the bathroom all the time!

Hopefully this finds everyone doing well....have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the exciting news! I am so glad to hear your little one is healthy, active and a boy:) I could sense your excitement in the blog. And you look so cute with your little tiny pouch. Only 6 pounds - that's great! Anyway, I love reading your blog. I can't wait to hear more about the little one.

Anonymous said...

Just what the world needs- another Booe Boy. Well, half-Booe boy...

I'm just teasing Abby! Congratulations!! I know this is what you really wanted. :-)

Ps. I hope he gives you hell

Andy, Amanda, William & Dylan said...

Abby I'm so excited for you! Having a ittle boy is so much fun. It's great having two special guys in your life. Congrats!

Susan Carey said...

Do I see a pro baseball player in the future? Congrats Abby!

Anonymous said...

Congrats you two. And a boy no less!! You can definitely see the "engle of the dangle". 8^)