Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We've been busy!

Lots of things have happened since my last update....sorry, it's been awhile!

We finished our last childbirth class last week. And when I say 'we', I mean me and my friend Melissa. Brad was in Las Vegas having cocktails and playing blackjack at a work conference. Not that he didn't want to be there....:) Our instructor had us do a rehearsal labor, which means we picked a random day and time that we were 'in labor', and then had to practice our breathing/relaxing techniques that we learned throughout the class to get through each 'contraction'. I was worried that it would be a little weird doing the rehearsal, but it was actually good practice, and everyone asked a lot of helpful questions. Definitely a good refresher! At the end of class we got to see a video of what different newborns look like - some were tiny, some were huge, some had jaundice, etc. They showed us what kind of skin rashes newborns can have so that we won't freak out if it happens to our newborn. It was a nice way to end the class - seeing lots and lots of cute babies! Probably so we would temporarily forget about the whole painful labor and delivery part and focus on the end result!

I had another doctor's appointment last week, and according to Dr. McCrann, my pregnancy is "picture perfect"! I gained 2 more pounds, which puts me at 18 total. If I gain one more pound a week - like they told me to - then I'll be at 24 by the end of the 40 weeks. Not bad if I do say so myself! I've been eating ice cream pretty much every day, but only because it's a good source of calcium for the baby and for me. Not because it tastes sooo good! haha But everyone knows that a pregnant woman needs extra calcium, especially during the last trimester because the baby takes so much since it's bones are developing. I'm just doing what's best for the baby!

Last weekend, Brad and I went to Babies R Us to get the travel system (fancy name for the stroller and car seat that go together) that we had registered for. Or should I say, that I had registered for. It turns out that the one I picked out was black and purple, and Brad thought it looked a little too girly for Baby Cliff. He even stopped two other couples in the store and asked them if they saw a baby in that stroller, would they think it was a boy or girl? They were no help to us though, because one couple said they'd seen both boys and girls in it, and the other couple said it looked like a girl. Ugh! Needless to say, we did not get that stroller. I wasn't really that upset, except that I had done a bunch of research and found that one was easy to get out/put away with one hand, it wasn't too heavy or bulky, and it had gotten great reviews. So we settled for leaving the store with the Pack-n-Play, crib mattress and pad, and the changing table mattress and pad. On to Target the next day for more stroller shopping.....and we found one! It was the same brand, just a different model. It was easy for me to open and close and isn't too heavy. And most importantly, the color was just neutral enough for Brad. Here it is after we got it put together:

We got our changing table last week too - I told you we've been busy! Brad put it together when he got home from Vegas. It was a little frustrating since none of the pieces were labeled, but once Brad finally got it together it looks great! The nursery isn't completely done yet, but it's close. I've gotten most of the clothes/blankets/bedding washed with Dreft, the baby detergent, (which Brad keeps calling Derft....haha) but still have a few more things to ready. So no full pictures of the nursery just yet since it's still a mess, but I promise they're coming soon! For now, here's a picture of the new changing table and the crib:

So far, I'm still feeling really good. My heartburn has decided to become permanent, so Maalox and Tums are my best friends right now. I'm starting to get more uncomfortable, especially when I sit for a long period of time. Last Friday was the first time my feet had swollen, and it was not fun!! I ended up going home a little early from work and just propped them up and watched some TV. They've been normal since then, so I'm grateful for that. I'm trying to watch my sodium intake and drink more water than usual, and hopefully that's helping. Baby Cliff is still really active. Brad was able to feel him rolling around in my belly the other night - it surprised him! And maybe even freaked him out a little, but now I'm used to him moving in all different ways. I think Brinkley and Nuke really know something's up now....they've been extra clingy lately, and have been following me around a lot more. Their whole world is going to change soon - we'll have to see how they react!!

So I owe you a belly pic....Brad calls it my torpedo belly! It's getting bigger all the time, and I know that's the whole point, but sometimes I feel like I might fall over! This is a horrible picture of me, but I want to show everyone my huge belly before Baby Cliff decides to make his appearance!

My next doctor's appointment is October 4, then I start going once a week after that. Next week we go to a class at the hospital called Baby Business, where we'll fill out some pre-admission paperwork. Then next weekend, we have a breastfeeding class that we have to take a baby doll to. Hopefully if Baby Cliff decides he needs to get out of there early, he'll wait until after that class!

Tomorrow I hit the 5-week mark.....stay tuned for more belly pics!


Cheryl Troxel said...

Oh Abby, you look great! And everything in the nursery looks so cute. I can't believe little "Cliff" will be here in a month or so. I know you are getting excited (and probably a little nervous). I am just so excited for you!

Andy, Amanda, William & Dylan said...

Abby I love the color of "Cliff's" room. It's all coming together. You look great as usual!