Thursday, September 13, 2007

Now we're ready.....or at least we know where to go

We took a tour of the hospital last night at our child birth class. So now we're all set when we go into labor, right? Well, at least we know what building to go to! It was all a little overwhelming, but at least we didn't hear any women screaming in labor during our tour. I think that would have freaked us all out!

Last week at class, we got to see the birth about scary! You could hear everyone in the room gasp when we actually saw the baby coming out. I have to admit - it made me a little more scared for this whole thing than I was before the video. But I think the hardest part for me is not knowing when it's all going to happen. Everyone that knows me knows I'm a planner. I have absolutely no way of planning anything when it comes to this baby! People have been asking me when I'm taking off work, and I tell them I'm working up until I have the baby. And honestly, it will all work out better if I go into labor or my water breaks while I'm at work. No, I'm not crazy! It's just that Brad and I both work downtown, and that's where the hospital is too. So even if I wanted to take a few days off if my due date rolls around and there's no baby yet, it would be a huge inconvenience. Brad would have to drive all the way to Commerce City (about 25 minutes), pick me up, and then get back downtown to the hospital. I'm sure he'd be driving like a maniac both ways too, so not the safest option! So I've got a friend at work lined up to help me out if everything goes down while I'm working. I'm thinking about bringing a couple of towels and maybe some extra pants and keeping them at my desk in case my water breaks. I've got all the important phone numbers up at my desk too. And my mom suggested leaving our suitcase in the car during the week. Should be interesting....I just wish I could plan for it, that'd make me feel a little more at ease I think!

So next week's child birth class is about postpartum. Brad will be in Las Vegas for work, so my good friend Melissa has graciously offered to go with me. She's a newlywed with no kids (yet!), so hopefully it doesn't freak her out too much. We'll have to take notes so Brad will have an idea of what to expect when we bring this little guy home!

Here are some pictures of Brad trying out a couple of our gifts from the baby shower.

Won't be long now before this is a thing of the past!

Maybe I should rethink Brad using the baby carrier....

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