Friday, March 7, 2008

Our first toy casualty.....sort of

I knew it was bound to happen, I just didn't know when. The dogs finally got ahold of one of Nolan's toys and took it outside! I know they haven't been getting the attention they were used to, but it's winter time and walks just aren't happening much right now. When we got home the other night, Brad had noticed a toy in the yard....I didn't see it because you could only see it out of our bathroom window. And I'm not standing up when I'm in there! Brinkley had been hanging his head like he had done something wrong, but we didn't think anything of it until then. I had to make Brad take the dogs outside with him and 'scold' them. He was just going to go get the toy and bring it back we really see who the disciplinarian will be! Brad left it on the end table in the living room that night.

The next day, I saw Brad picking it up off the floor behind the couch. I took it over and held in Brinkley's face and Nuke's face and 'yelled' at them. I told them if they got it again, they wouldn't get any treats for a week. At this point, Brad is just laughing at me. So I told him if they did get 'grounded' and he gave them treats anyway, he was in big trouble!

Here's a picture of the glow worm who got picked to be left out in the cold. It really wasn't that bad, just a little dirty, but you have to set the ground rules early, right?

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