Friday, April 25, 2008

Breakin' the law

Remember how Brad got a ticket about a month ago, specifically, March 7?? Well, it looks like his driving record just keeps getting worse.

On the way to drop Nolan off at daycare this morning, I was kind of sleeping and had just opened my eyes when we were almost there. We have a few different routes to take, depending on the traffic situation. Normally Friday's aren't too bad, so we take the highway. Our exit is Speer, but sometimes we'll get off on the exit right before that, 20th Street. Once in awhile, Brad will get in the exit lane for 20th Street and then cut back over at the last second if there's an opening. Totally illegal, but he's gotten away with it a million times. Not today!!! There just happened to be an unmarked police car sitting in traffic right there, with nothing better to do. As soon as Brad said a choice bad word and said he was getting pulled over again, he looked at me and said, "Do not put this on the blog!" I said I wouldn't at the time, but then told him I was going to because he would if it were the other way around.

The damage: Disobedience of Lane Assignment, $86, 1 point. I guess it could have been worse!

I mentioned that in less than two months, he's matched the number of tickets I've gotten in the 3 1/2 years I've lived in Colorado. So he decided that maybe I should start driving for'll probably be cheaper! haha

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