Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Floppy Seat

Last Friday on the way home from work we stopped to grab a bite to eat before heading to the grocery store. We've figured out, especially with Nolan crawling now, that when we go out to eat it has to be somewhat fast.

This was his first time sitting in a highchair instead of staying in his carseat while we are out to eat. I bought The Floppy Seat last week for Nolan and we love it! He thought it was great. He kept turning every which way to smile at people when they walked by. He's such a social little guy!

The seat fits in grocery carts too, so we tried it out at Wal-Mart after we ate. Nolan had a blast - he loves looking at everything. He also figured out pretty quickly that he could reach a lot of stuff on the shelves sitting in the cart. But at least he can't chew on the dirty cart!!! Apparently the seat is easy enough to put on the cart with one hand while you hold your child with the other arm. Maybe this will come with practice, because it sure didn't happen this time! Since we were both there it was no big deal. It folds up into its own little bag with handles so it's pretty convenient. We're just keeping it in the car for now so we don't forget the next time.

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