Friday, August 29, 2008

Beginning of August

Here's a quick rundown of what we had going on the beginning of this month - which has flown by!

* I volunteered for the second time at Night Owls, and I was super excited to find out that I was paired with an infant! A little girl that loved to be swaddled and cuddled....I couldn't wait. But one of her siblings got sick and they couldn't come that night - I ended up leaving early, but I'm hoping that next week when I go back that she'll be there this time! :)

*My niece Mackenzie turned 2 years old! Here's a picture from her party that Cary sent me. Cary said Kenzie wore the tiara and clip-on earrings the entire time. She's very girly and loves to wear dresses and act like a princess. If you know my sister, you'll know why that is hysterical! Cary was the biggest tomboy ever when we were growing up. Maybe Kenzie takes after Aunt Abby.....

* Some of Nolan's new tricks are:
-holding his bottle with one hand
-mimicking some sounds we make - he's made the sound dada, but not said
the word....yes, there's a difference! Brad actually thinks Nolan said 'doggie' because he
looked right at Brinkley when he said it. I didn't hear it exactly, so it's not going down as his
first word just yet!
-going all the way upstairs by himself, even when it's dark up there and no one else is with
him.....a couple of times we've had to really look for him!
-eating dog food and playing in the dog's water bowl
-falling out the doggie door and cutting his nose - had to consult Nurse Polly on that one!

* Nolan is pretty much eating only table food now, so whatever we eat we feed him too. He does a really good job at feeding himself, he can pick up just about anything with one finger and thumb. The other night he pushed Brad's hand away when he put his hand near the highchair tray - too funny! We haven't really found anything that he doesn't like or that he seems to be allergic too, so I hope that keeps up. Miss Erica and Miss Hannah at daycare said he's doing a great job with everything they're feeding him - he gets to eat what the big kids eat now!
* We're trying to introduce the sippy cup and it's going, um.....okay. Nolan seems more interested in chewing on it than drinking from it. But big surprise that Nanny got him to drink from it at her house last weekend! We just put water in it at first because we knew it would get everywhere, but we've starting giving him half water and half juice. We'll keep at it because I want to break him of the bottle in just a few months!
* Nolan got to spend the night with Grandma Cindy and his cousins Cambell and Mylee stayed too. I think he had a lot of fun because he was totally pooped the next day! We got a night off too, which was nice. I think we had actual plans, but Brad ended up messing around with the sprinkler system in the front yard for a little longer than he thought, so we stayed in and broke out the fire pit in the backyard. Nothing like a s'more and a glass of wine, right? We're classy.
* We had a play date with our neighbors and their two daughters, Delaney (2) and Kennedy (4 months). Brad's friend Travis gave us a blow-up pool, so we put it in the backyard and they had a great time! The water was a little cold, so next time we'll have to fill it up earlier. Lesson learned!
* Colorado set a record for the most consecutive days above 90 degrees....I think it was 22 days. At least it isn't humid though! But it definitely took a toll on our grass. Right after those hot 3 weeks, it cooled off for a few days and that paired with the addition of a sprinkler in the front yard helped out. Now we don't have the ugliest yard on the block - whew!
Here are a few random pictures - I have no idea why some of them are so small!

Going straight for the condiments....definitely my kid!

Reminds me of when he was little....

What a look!

Nolan and I were up earrrrrrrrly one morning, so I tried to get creative with the camera.

All the boys :)

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