Friday, June 26, 2009

Nanny & Papa visit! 6/11 - 6/16

Nanny & Papa were able to come and spend a long weekend with us in June.

Just like they did when I was pregnant with Nolan, they came out to help get the baby's room ready. And when I say 'help', I mean they did all the work!! They are great painters, so when they offered I wasn't about to pass it up. We decided on red and blue for Nolan's new room (pictures to come later when the room is really finished) and it turned out great! They helped put Nolan's new big boy bed and other furniture together and get it arranged (again, pictures to come later!). It was really a big help, so THANKS Nanny & Papa!

As I mentioned in my last post, my parents got to spend a lot of quality time with Nolan since we went out of town for a wedding, but we just kind of hung out most of the time they were here. Although on Sunday afternoon, we got hit with some crazy weather - tornado warnings and hail!! Brad was at his baseball game and we were in our basement for about a half an hour. Well, all of us except Dad who was weather-watching on the front porch most of the time! The video is of the street in front of our house - the rain was so heavy that the street looked like a river. You can hear the tornado sirens that go off in our neighborhood too. The hail on the roofs of our neighbor's houses looks like snow instead! It didn't last too long though, and everything was back to normal by that evening....whew!

We were glad the weather got better because we had Brad's family over for a cookout (or BBQ, if you're from CO). It was nice to have everyone together for a couple hours.

Cambell and Rylann - I can't figure out why this is the only picture we took that day, but it's cute!

We had a great visit with my mom and dad. It wasn't too hard for me to say goodbye this time because I knew we'd be out to visit them in Indiana in just two weeks. But try explaining that to a 20-month old at the airport!! The picture below is while we were waiting in line to check in and everything's cool. When Nanny & Papa had to leave to go through security, he was NOT happy! He even threw his binky on the ground. That NEVER happens! I suppose I should get ready for more of that with the terrible 2's creeping up.....

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