Here are some pictures from the past month or so.....with Nolan and Bobby updates at the end!!
We had Brad's family over for his mom's birthday the middle of August. I got this cake decorating recipe from a co-worker (Family Fun website) and just had to try it out. I knew I couldn't get away with this for either of the boys, so I took advantage of Cindy's birthday! The 'ribbon' is Fruit by the Foot (which, ironically, is not a foot long...haha) and I used Dots for the other decorations. It was pretty fun!
I thought this was so cute :) Being at the hospital and holding the new babies made me even more ready for Bobby to get here!
Here is Nolan eating a chocolate chip cookie. He likes to eat the top of the cookie (that's right, the TOP of the cookie) first - that's why it's everywhere!!!
Nolan trying out Mommy's shoes....
Nolan has really taken to his stuffed animals and blankies lately - I think it's completely adorable. The day this was taken, he constantly wanted his Cabbage Patch Kid wrapped up in this blanket. Every time it would come undone, he wanted him wrapped up again - right now!!!
I think Nolan will end up being well-rounded like his he is with a golf club and a baby doll. Precious :)
Again with the well-roundedness: playing in the dirt.....with his blankie!
Our laid back little man has decided that he LOVES the word 'no'. What kid doesn't, right? It cracks us up most of the time, because he just keeps saying it. Unless it's something that he might want to do, and then he repeats (or tries to repeat) what you just said. Here's a cute little video, complete with airplane noise and all.....
Two hats are apparently better than one.....
This is one of our 'we're really good parents' moments! We had a few errands to run after work one day, so we stopped and grabbed Subway on the way home for dinner. Nolan just had to have Cheetos, and we decided to let him dig in on the way home. He was an orange, cheesy mess and loved every second of it!
This is me last week at 33 weeks, 4 days (as of today, I'm 34 weeks, 5 days). The torpedo belly!
At my appointment last week, we figured out that Little Mr. Bobby is breech. Dr. McCrann said that we'll do an ultrasound at my 36 week appointment just to double check that he's still breech, and then go from there. She talked about wanting to turn him manually at 37 weeks if he is still breech at that point, but after doing a lot of reading and research, I'm not sure that's something we want to try. At least not that early. The procedure is called external cephalic version (google ECV), and from what I've read, sounds entirely painful and uncomfortable. There's no guarantee that if we are successful at getting him to turn that he would stay head down until I go into labor. And since most doctors don't really let you deliver a breech baby vaginally anymore (I was born breech, but that was how many years ago???), I would have to have a C section. Not exactly my optimal situation, but if that's what is best for the baby and for me, that's what we'll do.
The past week has been nothing short of me freaking out about all of this, but I've gotten some really good support from everyone which has helped tremendously. A few of my friends have had C sections, so I picked their brains about what to expect. Everything went so smoothly with Nolan, and pretty much exactly the way I expected it to go that I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that Bobby is probably going to be much different. I just wanted everything to be like I planned! I know that everything happens for a reason, so I'm trying hard to prepare myself for anything and everything. Maybe his umbilical cord is too short and he can't be head down, or maybe he's just really, really comfortable sitting up in there!! I'm trying to calm down about everything and just let things happen the way they're going to happen and realize that sometimes I actually don't have all the control over a situation. But if you know me, you know that is easier said than done....
Brad has been really helpful about calming me down and listening to me go on and on about this option or that option, so a big thank you to him. :) Even though sometimes it's easy for me to forget that I'm not the only one affected by the outcome of things, we are definitely going through this together. I can't wait until our appointment next week since he's going with me - he is the question asker of the universe, so Dr. McCrann better be prepared!
I've been trying to do different things to make Bobby turn on his own. I get on my knees and elbows and 'hang' my belly for 10 minutes at least once a day. This kind of allows him a little more freedom to move around - if he ever feels like it. I've also been massaging my belly in a circular motion, sometimes while I'm hanging at an incline. This sort of worked the other day - but then he moved right back to head up! The other night we put a flashlight on my belly to try and get Bobby curious about it so he'd move. Nothing. Oh well, we'll keep trying!
Other than the whole breech/C section/ECV drama (or what I'm making out to be more dramatic than it probably should be!), I've been feeling okay. My heartburn is flaring up more than normal now and I'm a little more tired than usual. But I'm trying to get enough exercise and trying to eat better. The key word there is 'trying' in both cases! The dogs make it easy though because they expect to be walked at least a few times a week, so that gives me a good excuse. I usually take the dogs around the park a couple of times while Brad plays with Nolan on the playground. I've had some trouble sleeping lately, but that's expected at this point I think.
But the countdown is definitely on - just ask my co-workers! The whiteboard on my desk says '37 days' today......although I'm hoping it's a little sooner than that :)
I'll keep everyone posted after my appointment next week!
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