Friday, September 25, 2009

Turning Point

Here's a quick update on Breech Bobby:

Last week at the doctor, our little guy was still breech. We talked over the options and decided that one more week needed to pass before we scheduled anything - ECV (turning) or a C section. We were able to get an ultrasound and make sure that Bobby is fact not a Roberta, and we were able to ask a gazillion questions about everything. We were both feeling much more at ease with the whole situation when we left.

This morning was my 37 week appointment. I knew that the little guy was still breech, and Dr. McCrann confirmed it. We have opted to try the ECV tomorrow morning because I'm a good candidate for it. She said that she rarely sees a baby turn back to breech after a successful ECV. When she has seen it, it's on a woman who has 4 or 5 kids and the uterus is a little "stretchier". She also said that he's in a good position for turning, so I feel really confident that things will go well tomorrow. The procedure will only last a few minutes, successful or not. They will try twice to turn him and if it doesn't work, that's when we'll talk about scheduling a C section. But that wouldn't be until 39 weeks....which would fall on or around MY BIRTHDAY! So we'll see.....

We'll keep you posted after the procedure is done. I just keep telling myself that even if it doesn't work, everything will be fine. At least Bobby is healthy, regardless of exactly how he gets here :) Keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow!

1 comment:

Laura Bridges said...

I'm so glad it worked and praying for Bobby to keep his head down until his time comes!