Thursday, May 10, 2007

It's a good thing I have a patient husband....

So I'm at the point where my work clothes don't really fit the way they're supposed to anymore. But I can't really get away with maternity clothes (mostly pants) just yet either. Let me tell you, it's frustrating! I don't look pregnant, but I definitely feel pregnant.....but that doesn't make too much of a difference to my wardrobe!

I have found a couple of things that have helped me out though: one is this little thing called the Bella Band. I found it on after getting a coupon for their online store. And since I'm a sucker for a 'FREE SHIPPING' coupon, I had to buy something, right?? This is the best thing ever!! It's a stretchy band of fabric that goes all the way around your waist. It helps you wear your pre-pregnancy pants longer, and wear maternity pants sooner....and it holds everything up for you, completely unbuttoned and unzipped! I was looping a rubber band through my button hole on my pants until I found this....which was not too comfortable! This is the best $25 I've ever spent. The picture kind of helps....and no, that is not me, Sarabeth, and Meghan in the picture! hahaha I only wish I would have known about this a few weeks sooner....

The other thing that has helped me out with my clothing dilemma is my super-patient husband! We went shopping for some pants that were a size too big (before the Bella Band purchase - now I can return them!) and it was not a good day for trying on clothes. I kept getting really upset because I couldn't find anything, and Brad was a trooper. The pants that I ended up getting were the ones he picked out, so obviously he was a huge help. Then I decided it was time for some actual maternity shirts that I can wear to work (since now my work shirts aren't fitting anymore!) and he is the ultimate bargain shopper. I got 6 shirts (5 acceptable for work) at Old Navy for $60!! We went to Target too, which doesn't have a huge selection, but the shirt that he picked out got a lot of compliments when I wore it for the first time. There's no telling what I would have ended up with if Brad wouldn't have saved the, if I could just get him to put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher, we'd be set!! I'm sure he'll appreciate me letting everyone know that he helps me shop, and that he's good at it....but I think it's wonderful and it makes me happy....and isn't that his job when I'm pregnant? :)

In other news....the search is on for a daycare center. I thought it was a little early myself, but turns out it's not because the waiting lists are 7 months or longer at most places! We've visited one place that we really like and have two more to visit next week. Then once we've figured that out, it's on to finding a pediatrician....I never knew there would be so much work before Baby Engle is even here!

Keep the advice coming....everything makes the list!!


1 comment:

Andy, Amanda, William & Dylan said...

Oh Abby! I remember those days of not fitting in to anything and feeling really pregnant, but not looking it. It sucks! And, it's never too early to find daycare. Be sure to check your local hospital. Many have awesome daycare centers that allow more than hospital employee's children. That's where William attends and it's great! Super clean and secure.